Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day!

Arts and crafts are generally a solitary and contemplative activity. Of corse on this day of love and general sappiness, solitary and contemplative will easily devolve into depressing and mildly pathetic. So what are the dateless to do? Well, with a large supply of colored tissue paper and a small collection of empty and cleaned yogurt containers you and your friends can have a paper bouquet party! You can even entice your romantically attached friends to join in for a few minuets and make a pretty gift for the bf/gf , that is not only inexpensive, but displays their cleverness and dexterity. Guests without dates will go home with a lovely bunch of flowers to display on their bookshelves, wear in their hair, or hand out to family members in liu of cards.

note: thanks to Jay for showing me how to make these flowers :)